3 Tasks You Can Outsource to a Social Media Manager


Back in the day, the extent of internet marketing was creating a website or writing a blog. Those are still important avenues to explore, but they’re nothing new. If you want to stay on the cutting-edge of digital marketing, you need to be pushing the envelope. 

If you’re reading this article, you know that social media is where the magic is happening. For the past few years, it’s been dominating the digital marketing space—everyone is on it. If you want your social media campaigns to result in engagement and conversions, you’ll need a social media manager.

Social media managers are digital marketing assets. They can cultivate a social media following and promote your company’s brand. Here are three tasks you can outsource to them so you can grow your business.

1. Content Management

Your content writers, graphic designers, and/or videographers all create content that needs to go somewhere. Social media managers know how to utilize that content and turn it into a digital marketing arsenal. They’ll find the right balance between the quantity and quality of posts and populate your social media channels accordingly. 

For example, everyone has “evergreen” content. Whether it’s a podcast, blog, social media post, or video, you can take any valuable concept and multiply it via “Content Repurposing.” And while any good piece of information is worth echoing, it’s easier said than done—it’s not just a matter of hitting “Copy & Paste.” You need to discern which content is strongest, what’s unique to your brand, and what will engage your audience. 

You can outsource all that responsibility to a social media manager. They’ll even go so far as to create a schedule that spaces out repurposed content. That way, people won’t get fed up with the same messages being regurgitated to them until they unfollow you. This will help keep your audience interested in your company and it will also help maintain your reputation as being an expert in your field.

2. Strengthening Customer Relationships

When your clientele feels heard, your reputation is going to be bolstered. A social media manager will use posts, comments, and replies to engage with your audience and develop a relatable company voice. 

A social media manager will also study which aspects of your campaigns result in the highest engagement and conversions. From there, they’ll strengthen customer relationships even further by pivoting and adjusting your campaigns to meet their needs and wants. 

They also monitor online posts that mention your company. That way, they can mediate the impact of negative reviews. Whether they do that by sharing positive testimonials or reaching out to the unsatisfied party, they aim to strengthen customer relationships.

3. Riding Trends

Rapid digital transformations are inundating us with new marketing tactics on every level. It makes sense that there’s a rising need for those who can navigate the online landscape well. And while we’ve all heard of “surfing the internet,” the key to effectively navigating the social media marketing world is in “riding trends”. 

The social media space is a market that’s growing more and more congested. Don’t let your brilliant mind get drowned out by all the noise. A social media manager can help you with getting your product, service, or message to stand out. They can create content for your brand to get noticed and catch up on the latest hype.

Social media managers are constantly up-to-date with what’s trending on social media. By knowing what’s going on, they have a keen sense of which kind of content will be popular or go viral. They can then position your brand to ride these trends and generate buzz for it.

Partner with World-Class Social Media Managers!

Any competent social media manager will be able to handle these three tasks. But these three tasks are only the tip of the iceberg. If you want to see how an A-player social media manager operates, look no further than All-Star Outsourcing.

I might be biased; I’m a partner there, after all. But at All-Star outsourcing, social media managers have the specialized skillsets and an extra degree of know-how. I can vouch for them firsthand, and I encourage you to check them out. But, whatever you do, don’t hire somebody for social media management if you can’t at least confidently delegate these three tasks to them.