In this episode of the Doctor Entrepreneur Podcast, Dr. Glenn Vo visits Steve Sims, a former bricklayer, and bouncer-turned-entrepreneur, who uses a unique mindset and blend of skills to create once-in-a-lifetime experiences for high net-worth clients.

Steve’s day job is to make the impossible possible. He has helped his clients experience a private concert with Andrea Bocelli at the feet of Michelangelo’s David, venture to the wreckage of the Titanic in a submarine, and jam with bands such as Guns and Roses.

He has worked with the likes of Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Elton John. In fact, he’s organized one of Elton John’s infamous Oscar parties! Forbes and Entrepreneur magazine has called him “The Real-Life Wizard of Oz.”

Learn how Steve Sims coaches entrepreneurs to make the seemingly impossible possible by leveraging his experience as the “Mr. Fixit” to the richest people in the world. Get insight on how his relationships with his clients allow him to have personal access to the greatest minds in the world.

And as always, we’ll dive into our popular segments!


Share a productivity tip for Entrepreneurs.

Don’t drink coffee, don’t turn on the news. Get up in the morning, ignorance of the fact that the world will be nothing more than brilliant.

Share your favorite Business/Philosophy Book. Why Is It Your Favorite?

It’s strange that you should say business and philosophy because philosophy gets you thinking and business books can get you acting. So, I would say if I had to try and combine those two, “Anything” by Dr. Seuss but probably “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” But a good business book is Ryan Holiday’s “Trust Me, I’m Lying.”


What’s one of your more significant mistakes? But a mistake that you learned from. 

Be real to yourself! Years ago, I worked events for Ferrari. Even though I had been known to wear a specific attire, I decided to change it up one time at a massive party where I got a contract to work. I shaved. I took my earrings out. I put on my suit. I bought a Ferrari. I went to the party and someone took a photograph of me. And when I got that photograph, I was shocked at what I saw. I realized that wasn’t me. So from then on, I realized that I had to be real to myself and be who I am, not some ideal version of what people expect me to be. Don’t be a sellout!

What if someone came up to you and said I want to do what you do. How will you reverse engineer your business? Or how are you going to explain it?

First, I’ll ask them what is that I do and why do you want to do it. Because a lot of people think my job is so glamorous and that I get to hang out with celebrities. Yes, my job is to get my clients to want they want. But I do it because my job is to make my client happy.

Why is it so important to get the face-to-face to work on that relationship in this day and age of technology and convenience?

People now have a short attention span and it has only gotten shorter. It’s graded now in milliseconds. Before TikTok, there were Vines where you had seconds to grab the viewer’s attention. But you haven’t got six seconds now. You’re lucky if you’ve got two! Bottom line, everyone has got a short attention span. And nothing will take the place of actually showing up and meeting face to face. It allows the client to measure you up and see your enthusiasm, your dedication, and other qualities that you just can’t get via a text or email. The best way to create that relationship is to just “show up!”


Learn more about Steve Sims here:

Websites: https://www.stevedsims.com/