
  • Many of you listening in on this week’s episode are probably wondering how you can get your messages, products, or services out into the world. Maybe you’re looking for a shortcut or just some simple advice. To those folks, Robyn Bennet—the one and only “Technology Queen”—has some words of wisdom to share.
  • Robyn is the CEO and Founder of The Technology Queen. For nine years running, Robyn has been the “go-to” tech guru for entrepreneurs who need help with putting together the many pieces that go into creating their own virtual summits.
  • To Robyn, a virtual summit is like a “list build.” And one of the reasons she loves virtual summits is that it builds you a “warm list” where your leads get to know you over a length of time and thus become easier to convert (for Robyn, that length of time could vary from 2 to 45 days). 
  • As is the case with Carrie Flynn and Colleen Kochannek, Robyn and Dr. Glenn Vo are in a Mastermind group together. Their mutual mentor, Julie Stoian, runs this Mastermind, and she always has glowing things to say about Robyn—she’s constantly citing Robyn as an expert who has made creating her own virtual summits so much easier.
  • Right now, one of the biggest ways Robyn helps aspiring entrepreneurs involves providing support for their virtual summit, but that’s just half the battle.  After you’ve completed your successful virtual summit, you need to take the right actions. That’s why Robyn created the “Step Two Process” to ensure her clients don’t put all that hard work in just to miss out on the opportunities they’ve built for themselves.

“Big Entrepreneur 3”

  1. Perform a Daily “Brain Dump.”
    1. Robyn puts everything that’s in her head into one big pile of “today’s brain dump.” From there, she starts scheduling things in their order of importance; what needs to be done today vs. what could be put off for tomorrow? Next, she puts her due dates on everything—no matter their significance. 
    2. Without her daily brain dump, Robyn claims she’d be exhausted before she even starts her days. If she needs to be up earlier than usual—maybe she has a meeting, event, etc.—then she’ll do her brain dump the night before. No matter what, the brain dump needs to be done at least once a day.
  2. Utilize Google Sheets (And Don’t Be Afraid to Buy Templates!).
    1. Robyn was once a big fan of Excel and Microsoft Word and she even remembers the days of WordPerfect and Lotus. Nowadays, she’s head over heels for the Google Suite. Thanks to Google Suite, communicating with her clients is easier than ever. Specifically, Sheets is a feature of the Google Suite that has serviced Robyn particularly well—she can’t recommend it enough.
    2. Robyn thinks there’s a great ROI to be found in buying Google Sheets templates, too. The spreadsheets are already set up for you in an organized fashion, saving you from doing it all yourself. All the math is done for you, so you don’t have to think too much, and the result could be an upgraded version of what you’d otherwise put together on your own.
  3. Read Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson.
    1. Robyn firmly believes that this book is a classic everyone should know about. After she first read it three or four years ago, she wanted to share it with the world. Robyn immediately told clients all about it all while applying its lessons to fulfill their needs.
    2. Robyn is a big reader, too, having read every day for the last 850 days (she’ll read anything from business to fiction to romance to history), so her endorsement shouldn’t be taken lightly. In fact, Robyn had the entire suite of the “Secrets” book series behind her during the interview!

Learning From the Past

To Robyn, identifying the biggest mistake she ever made in her career was a no-brainer: she often put herself first—instead of putting her clients first—and it worked to her own detriment. Now, she knows to not treat herself as her own client and to always put herself last. 

It’s always easy to prioritize yourself and further your own goals, and Robyn regrets doing this in the past. The success of your business depends on the success of your clients, after all, and you can’t help your clients succeed if they come second. Now, when Robyn has plans for a big launch for her own business, she’ll often put the launch off—because her clients’ launches are a bigger priority. Everything she does to help a client with a launch undergoes the same process she’d use to prepare her own business for a launch, too, meaning Robyn doesn’t hide away her secret recipe to give herself an edge.

If Robyn could speak to a younger version of herself, she’d tell her not to worry. She’d encourage her to keep working towards her goals because, in the end, she’s going to make it. In the days of trial and error, when success was no guarantee, it felt easy to give up. Entrepreneurs love to achieve and rise to the top but, ironically, we also tend to talk ourselves out of things and beat ourselves up. That’s why, if she met her younger self, Robyn would emphasize the importance of keeping her head up.

Robyn would also advise her younger self to learn to code as soon as possible, as it’s become super helpful in this day and age. On that note, during her early days as the Technology Queen, Robyn had a client who asked her to create a marketing funnel for them. Back then, she wasn’t really sure how to use that platform. She was honest and told them that she didn’t know how to use the platform, but she’d learn it on her own time—free of charge—because it’d be a useful skill that would serve her for years to come. By adding another tool to her box, Robyn could then help a client next time they voiced similar needs. This taught Robyn the timeless lesson: you should never say no to learning, as adding to your repertoire will make you a more versatile and well-rounded professional.

Don’t Stop Here!

It’s important to note that, before taking on a client, Robyn always likes to speak with them first and discern if they’re a good fit, if she can offer what they need, and so on. It’s very important for Robyn to have fun with whoever she works with—to share some laughter—and she also wants her clients to have fun. Robyn’s proud of how much she cares for each one of her clients; she really wants you to achieve whatever goals you envision. 

Chances are many of you are interested in sharing some laughs with Robyn as she helps you create your own virtual summit, build a “warm list,” and get your messages, products, or services out into the world. The best way to work with Robyn is by going to her website at thetechnologyqueen.com. From there, you can schedule a call with her by going to the Contact page or engaging with the little popup that should appear as you land on her web page. 

To take it one step further, you can go to thetechnologyqueen.com/waitlist. There, you can join the waitlist for an upcoming virtual summit where Robyn shows people exactly how to launch their virtual summit, how their team can launch their virtual summit for them and make it a more affordable undertaking, the “Whys” and strategies behind it all, and more.