The money you spend on marketing should be spent focusing on the types of patients you want to attract.
Not every practice is the same, so why would you expect marketing to work the same way for everyone.
She went to school at Rutgers majoring in Communications and Biology. Hoping to become a dentist, she shadowed in an office and was brought back after graduation to take over marketing.
She helped organize the world record for the most people swishing mouthwash!
Fear of unknown is very real. If you dream up an idea, working as a team and delegating responsibilities is very important.
You don’t have to do everything!
As business owners, you can do anything, but not everything. If there’s something you hate to do, there’s a 100% chance someone else can do it better.
If you don’t have someone in the office, hire outside. If you have someone with the capacity and desire to learn, you need to give them the training and time to learn the task.
How do you find the right person to delegate for marketing? Find someone with the passion and excitement, knows or wants to learn.
Look at a local university to hire a marketing major.
How much should you budget for marketing? Figure out what works for you. If you are not high on the list in a larger town on Google, pay more for Google ad words. If you are in a smaller town with less competition, focus on your community. Have fun and do videos, but use good lighting in FB live videos to build brand awareness.
You need to be consistent with your marketing to get results. Plan ahead because people need time to decide. A September promo needs to start in June.
How would you market a pediatric startup practice? Get a Google page up and get reviews going. Look at mom groups and community groups to become active without selling. Find a giving opportunity to share for an event, do schools, daycares, and areas for hygiene education.
Your current patients are your largest referral base. Have a great referral program. Handwritten notes and a small gift. Create a business referral partnership and focus on something mom’s would appreciate.
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