In this episode of the Doctor Entrepreneur Podcast, Dr. Glenn Vo sits down with his friend; she’s one of his coaches and mentor. She helped so many people worldwide to create better courses. to become better business people. She’s the founder of Funnel Gorgeous and The Digital Insiders Life and the mastermind behind the Marketers Heart event, Julie Christine Stoian.

In this episode, Julie talks about how Funnel Gorgeous, where you can shop gorgeous templates for your funnels and more. Her The Digital Insider high-end mastermind program, where you can have a year-long investment, application only style coach program with the best marketers in the industry. We also talk about Entrepreneur tips and learning from past mistakes.


Share a productivity tip for Entrepreneurs.

So there is a superpower that a lot of entrepreneurs overlook. And it is the superpower of being a great ignorer. The ability to ignore creates the level of focus that you need to get things done. The thing is, people think is that they should ignore all the noise. But miss some of the good stuff too, because there’s not enough time in a day. If you want that book written, if you want that blog post out, you’re going to have to ignore good things. Not just noisy things, to make that happen. It doesn’t mean ignore forever, but that mindset shift will change how you focus your day.

Share a tool that has helped you as an Entrepreneur.

I have a love affair with Google tasks. So I use a Google calendar.

Basecamp isn’t going to tell you what to do, but your calendar will. And so I have started taking my tasks for the day, my meetings, my reminders, everything, and it is on my calendar. And Google tasks allow you to sync with all your devices. People can add tasks.

Share your favorite Business/Philosophy Book. Why its Your Favorite?

“Made to Stick” was a business strategy book that impacted me, and “Overshoot,” it was written in the eighties, and it’s all about how we build our civilizations in our society—thinking that we have limitless resources when we don’t. It’s causing a significant shift in my thinking about life.


What’s one of your more significant mistakes? But a mistake that you learned from. 

Shifting what you’re doing because you think something didn’t work. I launched a course, and I think it doesn’t perform as I expected. I changed my strategy, and it was the biggest mistake.

If you could go back in time and talk to your younger self, what would you say?

I would say figure out what you want and trust yourself. I have struggled with anxiety because I’m unwilling to let my intuition speak up.


Learn more about Julia Christine Stoian and her Funnel Gorgeous right here:

Website: https://www.funnelgorgeous.com/


To apply for her coaching program: https://juliestoian.com/digital-insiders-life/

How to get in touch with Wendy:

Personal Website: juliestoian.com