Dr. Shawn Dill and Dr. Lacey Book are the owners of Black Diamond Club, Katana Enterpises, Chirosushi Media, The Art of Specific, Lead Cure, Summer Camp, as well as the Specific Chiropratic Centers.

Dr. Dill initially began his chiropractic career in Costa Rica and helped develop the laws regarding chiropractic care in the country.

He realized throughout his career that some of the best clinicians and providers are great at what they do, but may not embrace the entrepreneur aspect.

Dr. Lacey Book began working in multiple roles within the chiropractic office before deciding to become a chiropractor herself. She realized that many health care providers are handcuffed to their positions in that they cannot step away from their business to gain time and freedom.

What do you encourage female entrepreneurs? We overuse the concept of balance and it’s not realistic. There may be times when you need to devote more time to one or another. In the long run, you can have balance long term, but it may not be an even split each day. Don’t be afraid to stop and ask for help.

Why is it important to look beyond your own industry? The banking industry started the concept of a drive-through, but the fast-food industry picked it up and found it to be even more applicable to their own industry. This same concept is important to all entrepreneurs.

Why is it good to work with a coach or mastermind program? It comes down to leverage. It allows us to get to our destination more quickly than we would on our own. Waiting to hire a coach until you are ready means it will never happen, otherwise, you’d be doing it already. Just move forward.

Why is community important for entrepreneurs? People want to feel connected. It is integral to the growth of yourself and others. Serving others within your community allows you to connect even more.

Big Entrepreneur 3

Share a Productivity Tip

Shaun: Work in sprints. Focus is much easier to do in smaller chunks. Break down your projects into smaller tasks all the way to your 30-minute sprints.

Share a tool that has helped you as an entrepreneur.

Your first hire should be an executive assistant. A lot of your time is spent on lower-value tasks. Freeing those tasks gives you time to address higher-value tasks.

Loom is a great tool to help categorize and access video explanations.

What is your favorite business/philosophy book?

Mr. X by Jay Abraham

Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got

The E-Myth by Michael Gerber

What would you say to your younger self?

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Be the best person for you. Leverage your time and skills to get to where you want faster.

What is a business mistake you have made?

Making a wrong hire and lacking the willingness to make necessary changes wastes time and money.

If someone wants to work with you, how would they go about it?

Go to www.blackdiamondclub.com or shaunandlacey.com or cometosummercamp.com are all places you can find out more.