**Show notes**
Dr. Herzog is a practicing dentist and board certified oral implantologist who places a large number of implants as a focus of her practice. She found with Neil’s marketing created a huge boom in her patient load. She began a group called Implant instructors that did courses in Puerta Vallerta.

Neil started with adwords, which is now Google Ads. After doing his own thing and finding decent success, he connected with Keanu and did their first video in the basement of an AirBnB.
The difference between what they do and what most people typically do is to drip feed information as an expert, rather than the “hot dog stand” approach.

The videos focus on questions that potential patients are already asking. By delivering short bursts of information, you become the expert in your area.
They provide simple scripts to use with your videos with the idea of pretending you are speaking with a person in your practice.

For lead followups, the office knows what to do and Neil handles the initial contacts to pass on to the office.
The FB leads has a fairly high show rate, and focus on the close rate rather than the no show rate.

One new student of theirs did an additional $200k in revenue I the first 30 days.
How do you differentiate your practice while working with few dentists in the area? If there is a dentist signing up with them, the section out an area of about 250k people in their immediate area and do not allow other doctors within that segment.

She says that learning to specialize ops and run a tight schedule to be most efficient.
With a demo, we screenshare and show them issues with their adwords, online presence, and competitiors in the area. This helps them to allow great assessment of how to best serve your practice.
Do we learn how to close the cases effectively?
They aim to be transparent to their clients and help in any way they can.
They are one of the few that give clinical aspects, coaching, and even practice management.
Their deal is only good for 7 clients to start.

Normal retainer price: $2500/ month
Nifty Price: $2099/ month
Includes lighting, microphone and scripts as part of the package
This is separate from ad spend. Our best clients who go on to add a recurring high 5 figures and 6 figures to their practice invest an additional $4K/mo into the ad systems we generate. (This is solely ad spend.)
To learn a little more about us, you can also visit our home website here: www.valuedrivenads.com