Dr. Armen Mirzayan is the founder of Cad-Ray and has trained thousands of Dentists in Digital technology.
The scanner provides excellent digital impressions for lab work.
Clean and clear surfaces are still important with digital impressions. The visuals can smear on the margins and affect your outcome.
Milling does not recognize a $10k machine from a $110k machine, it is about making a good scan.
With Cerec, there is no monthly fee as well as free software updates. CAD software does have a yearly fee.
No monthly fees AND free updates!
Returns are simple, but they rarely happen because they are confident you will be satisfied.
The Deal:
$1500 rebate till Aug 2. Then $1000 till Aug 31
The Nifty Deal: $16,500 PLUS a 1500 rebate for our DIY customers!
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