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3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Owning a Dental Practice.
Dentistry is the greatest profession on earth. There are so many reasons I say this, one of them being that we get to choose our own adventure. You're reading this because you're ready for the rubber to hit the road and want some wisdom from someone who has run a
2 Steps to Mentally Preparing Yourself For Dental Practice Ownership.
Preparing for dental practice ownership is a journey many dentists embark on at some point in their careers. Perhaps you’ve been working for years as an associate at a larger practice and are now looking to branch off as an entrepreneur. Maybe you’re a young and ambitious mind, freshly out
3 Key Steps to Take Before Launching Your First Dental Office.
A dental practice has lots of moving parts on a constant basis, and a practice owner is required to wear a lot of different hats throughout their career. While your dynamic will never be set in stone and will always evolve, setting a foundation is one of the most important
2 Overlooked Problems That Can Topple a Dental Practice (And How to Solve Them).
When it comes to dental practice management challenges, some problems are more obvious. They’re blaring in our face, clear as day to see, and we know they need solving. Other problems prowl underneath the service, like a big cat stalking its prey, waiting to strike. Believe it or not, those
3 Qualities of a Good Dental Leader
For some of us, developing good leadership is one of the easier pieces of the puzzle—it’s just naturally in our wheelhouse. For others, it’s a skill we need to work hard to build. Mastering key dental leadership qualities is essential for running a successful practice. There are many different
3 Ways a Dental Practice Can Utilize Direct Mail to Fill Its Schedule.
The fact that I'm writing about utilizing direct mail marketing for dental practices might be surprising to some of you. It makes sense: direct mail does have a stigma of being ancient or even spam-like. And, if you’re like most people, those discount letters you find in your mailbox usually
Hi, I’m Dr. Glenn Vo
I love practicing Dentistry. I love changing lives one smile at a time. But I felt that I was destined to do more. I wanted to make an impact beyond the four walls of my dental practice. And I did just that in two short years. Click below to read my story