**Show Notes**
Tom Comerota- Dental Stores
The store is attached to your practice but stored in the cloud.
Allows for more interaction with your patients.
Carry a wide variety of products without having to keep the items in stock. There is no limit to the number of products you can carry.
Offer a bigger quantity or premium level product for the price of lower quality in stores.
No inventory
No sales tax to calculate!
Free delivery with a minimum order and 2-3 days delivery
Prices are competitive with other stores
Patients can mail items directly to the home or office
The software for a membership software is included free!
Autoship options for the majority of products
This is simple near passive income stream.
The store is not limited to only dental. It can include xylitol or beauty products.
The Nifty Deal is 20% off. Price is $160 with a discount
The setup fee is $399 and includes an Ipad with the store preloaded for your use.
Marketing materials and custom coupons are also included.
No Contracts