In this episode of the Doctor Entrepreneur Podcast, Dr. Glenn Vo sits down with chair stylist Wendy Conklin. Wendy is a former teacher and writer turned into a chair maker. She built her own company, called Chair Whimsy; her chairs bring smiles to her customers. But her company also helps others learn upholstery, how you can sell it.


Wendy explained how she took a leap of faith from a secure corporate job to starting her own business in this episode. We also talk about Entrepreneur tips and learning from past mistakes.




Share a productivity tip for Entrepreneurs.


Batching content is a big productivity tip for me. So I post every day on social media, on Facebook, and on Instagram. I batch all my content and put it in a plan that helped me stay on top.


Share a tool that has helped you as an Entrepreneur.


Honestly, for me, Google calendar keeps me on task.


All my appointments go in there. I live and die by my Google calendar. That’s the only way I’ll ever remember that I’ve got a phone call or a zoom call or a meeting with somebody, a personal appointment, even scope goes on there because it matters in my work life. 


Share your favorite Business/Philosophy Book. Why its Your Favorite?


“How Luck happens” is one of my most favorite ones right now. It’s is by Janice Kaplan and Barnaby Marsh. I am a firm believer in making your own luck.




What’s one of your more significant mistakes? But a mistake that you learned from. 


One of my biggest mistakes is once or before I let a customer pour all their drama on me instead of just refunding their money right away. You don’t need the negativity and move on. 



If you could go back in time and talk to your younger self, what would you say?


I would say don’t be afraid to try things and to fail. Because there are so many, what we call failures, things that don’t work out the way you think, but often when you look back, life is a journey.



Learn more about Wendy Conklin and her company Chair Whimsy right here:


Website: https://chairwhimsy.com/



How to get in touch with Wendy: 

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chairwhimsy/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chairwhimsy/