In this episode of the Doctor Entrepreneur Podcast, Dr. Glenn Vo interviews the Queen of Evergreen herself – Brittany Long. Brittany is a former teacher turned online marketer. She has built an amazing company, called Win With Systems, that helps entrepreneurs grow their business through “evergreen” email sequences.

In this episode, Brittany explains how businesses are losing money by sending out ineffective emails and how small changes to email campaigns can bring in more revenue. We also talk about Entrepreneur tips and learning from past mistakes.


Share a productivity tip for Entrepreneurs

I think the biggest way you can get more out of your day is by not letting fear stop you from doing the things that you know, you need to do. 

Share a tool that has helped you as an Entrepreneur

I really like the app, otter.ai.

It’s a voice recording memo. The reason I love it is because, as I go on a walk, I usually have my best ideas when I’m moving like on a walk. But if I don’t have any kind of paper with me, I lose it by the time I’m done.

Share your favorite Business/Philosophy Book. Why its Your Favorite?

I had a hard time narrowing it down between two – one is clockwork and one is built to sell.


What is your biggest mistake and what did you learn from it?

I think my biggest one was trying to fit my abilities into what I thought I was supposed to be doing.

If you could go back in time and talk to your younger self, what would you say?

I think I would tell her to be open to possibilities, just because I haven’t seen somebody do something that I want to do before doesn’t mean it’s not possible.

Reverse Engineer Your Business or Side Hustle

Start with a side hustle. I’m so glad I did that because it (not only) gave me a little bit of that financial safety net but it also allowed me to try a bunch of different things without a huge commitment.

Learn more about Brittany Long and her company Win With Systems right here:

Website: https://winwithsystems.com/

How to get in touch with Brittany: email: [email protected]