A Simple Two-Step Process for Achieving Your Business Goals


Every business owner is a visionary. But being a visionary and working toward your vision are two completely different animals. 

As a visionary business owner who has gone out of their way to read this article, you already know that. In fact, you might be in a better position than the rest—going above and beyond and reading content like this showcases that you have the intuition required to become one of the best. 

We get it. If you’re like most of our clients, you’ve found yourself constantly lost in the weeds between finding the right team to get on board and equipping that team. Maybe you’ve set high expectations only to end up falling short.

What you have to offer is what makes your business your business, but your identity as a brand could mean you need to think outside the box. That means customizing the right approach for achieving your personal, unique vision. So, here’s a simple two-step process to help you achieve your business goals.

1) Identify Holes in Your Bucket

With many small moving parts making up the whole, no business is ever going to be perfect. Even the best businesses have “holes in the bucket”—tasks that are either overlooked or underperformed. These holes keep the company from reaching its full potential. 

As a business scales, it becomes more difficult for the visionary to plug all the holes that pop up. That’s why it’s essential to have the right team on board. Otherwise, every overlooked or poorly performed task can compound into a domino effect and gradually topples your entire business.

So, to plug your holes, you’ll need to identify where they are. What areas are you weak in? Where could improvements be made? A great place to start is by looking at what roles in your business aren’t being filled. 

Do you have great copywriting for your advertisements but poor videos (or vice versa)? Maybe you have both of those components but lack good voiceovers. Maybe your advertisements are great but things aren’t running like a well-oiled machine on a business level. In that case, what administrative tasks are slowing you down? 

Whatever it is that you’re lacking efficiencies, identifying what is weighing you down is the first step out of it. From there, you ought to plug the holes.

2) Plug the Holes in Your Bucket

The first step is identifying the tasks and roles that are being overlooked or slacked on, but that’s all for nothing if the holes aren’t plugged. The way to plug those holes is to make adjustments to ensure these tasks are being put in the right hands.

Many business owners might know where they can improve but fail to take action. Finding new people who are qualified means increasing overhead, and that might not be in their budget. Trying to get resourceful and finding someone on the team to take on additional responsibilities isn’t a recipe for success, either. They’ll end up distracted from doing whatever they do best. 

In the end, the success of your business depends on your ability to harness the skills and talents of your employees. It doesn’t matter if your entire staff consists of only a handful of people or you’re at the helm of a Fortune 500. The reality is, harnessing the right staff is the one and only key to plugging holes in your bucket.

The good news: you don’t have to look far—you can trust skillful, talented employees at All-Star Outsourcing.

Get the help you need!

The folks over at All-Star Outsourcing are in the business of helping businesses, and they make a point to go above and beyond. I know because I’m a partner of the business; I utilize their services all the time. They do a great job helping folks like you and me to maximize efficiency, accomplish goals, and scale our businesses at an affordable price.

Although I 100% recommend All-Star Outsourcing, they’re not necessarily the “be-all-end-all.” The important lesson you should take away from this blog post is this: Outsourcing can be the key to achieving your business goals. It’s up to you to find the right professionals”